Duffy, 6 July 2022Oxley, 7 July 2022Glenburn Homestead LW, 7 July 2022OConnor Lyneham and Turner, 8 July 2022Curtin, 12 July 2022Great Wall of Curtin, 12 July 2022Goodwin Hill, 13 July 2022Stirling Ridge, 15 July 2022OConnor, 19 July 2022Ridge of Stone looking into Orroral Valley LW, 19 July 2022ANU, 20 July 2022Lego Land at Orroral Ridge, 19 July 2022West Dunlop, 22 July 2022Denman Prospect, 26 July 2022The Pinnacle Nature Reserve, 27 July 2022The Pinnacle Nature Reserve, 27 July 2023Hughes, 28 July 2022Hughes, 28 July 2023Hughes, 28 July 2024Tuggeranong Hill, 29 July 2022