Millpost Hill, 22 April 2015CCT Hall to Forde LW, 7 May 2015Mt Franklin, 31 March 2015Mt Aggie, 31 March 2015London Bridge, Burra, 4 June 2015Wanniassa Hills, 16 July 2015Cypress Pine Lookout, Mt Tennent, 15 July 2015Gooroo Hill, Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, 20 August 2015Canberra Centenary Trail Northern Border, 9 September 2015Rob Roy Range Nature Reserve, 1 October 2015Bonner, 12 August 2015Spur No 3 Fire Trail to Camel Back Fire Trail, 28 July 2015Tin Hut, Googong Reservoir, 15 October 2015Gecko Hill, Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, 25 September 2015down from Rob Roy to Banks, 1 October 2015Mt Gingera, 10 March 2016Morton National Park, 3 December 2015Old Joe Hill towards Gecko Hill, Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, 21 January 2016Ridge of Stone walkers 2014 06 05Casey and Ngunnawal, 6 March 2015